The Klassika bookshelf series was designed in the 1940s – the first series-produced bookshelf for home and office. The bookshelves have been used in widely different areas such as offices, archives, schools, museums, shops, and in homes. But they have one thing in common; they are made to carry books. Books in all shapes and quantities.
The shelves are made in Sweden and are built with a massive lamella surrounded by beautiful veneer. Although we keep to tradition when it comes to quality, we have innovated when it comes to design. Our shelves are designed and produced to combine shelves, ends, doors, magazine racks, types of wood, and door handles as you wish.
So, all you book lovers, read the entire brochure for Klassika and find something that does you and your books justice.
Made of a spruce lamella, comes with a support veneer and then a surface veneer in three different types of wood with an environmentally friendly protective varnish or an environmentally friendly white varnish.
Height (cm) 120, 200, 230
Widht (cm) 33, 35, 58, 60, 88, 90
Depth (cm) 27, 5
Wet coating

Veneer 0.8 mm



Mahogany Dark stain
Product sheet/PDF PDF WEB